Thursday, July 29, 2010


One of the most helpful tips I found in the reading was simply not to overwrite. I mean it seems simple not to write more than required as long as the message is delivered clearly. I tend to overwrite when I type on a computer, because my mind is pacing as fast as the speed of light; as the book mentions writer my add unnecessary words to their work. I found myself with this problem with the persuasive paper first draft. However, I fixed the problems that my friendly peers suggested. Rereading your own work is a necessary habit, I am very faithful about rereading my work; sometimes I don't catch everything as I should. I tend to miss spelling occasionally, which I need to be more cautious. This one for myself is common sense and is a factor worth considering while writing.

The second tip I am uneasy with concerning stating to much, this is possible and writes can overstate the the material they are writing about. Personally, I tend to dig myself in the very essence that creates my message, I want the reader to understand the very message I want them to understand. I provide detail and further my analysis on the subject. It makes me feel as if I did a good job, however, I don't want so much detail to were I may accidentally repeat myself. The text states the work my be weighted down with adverbs therefore becoming cluttered and annoying.

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